As 2019 comes to a close, we of course begin to reflect on all that God has done among the congregation here at HBT this year. Today is also a very special day, because it was on this very day 40 years ago (Dec. 23rd, 1979) that our pastor gave his heart to Christ and never looked back. As I begin to write, my mind keeps shifting back to the vision and mission statement that is displayed so prominently in our lobby.
Our Vision
To live for Christ while teaching and spreading God’s Word for today.
"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" - Micah 6:8
Because the Word ministers to individuals and families in all seasons of life, we embrace God’s commission to encourage the development of positive and fulfilling relationships with Christ and with one another in the Word for our day.
Though we may have had a difficult year individually, facing trials along our way, I believe we would all agree that we have had a good year as a body. We have been uplifted by the countless hours of ministry Bro. Barry provides both himself and by bringing in the five-fold ministry. We have seen the sick healed and the bound delivered. We have poured our hearts into Sunday School, choir, church administration, VBS, Men’s Meeting, and more, all with the prayer that it would minister to different parts of the body and edify God’s people. We have enjoyed countless hours of fellowship and it has kept us strong.
The devil would like to rob us of our blessings by causing us to take them for granted. Bro. Barry admonished the congregation on Sunday morning not to fall into the trap of becoming “entitled” Believers. I pray that God would ever remind us of all His blessings to us. When you begin to look at your life through the eyes of gratitude, you invite a true spirit of worship and thanksgiving into your heart. May we all take time in this busy season to focus on that Worship, and may it spill over into all we do in the coming decade.
Here are some highlights from 2019:
Our Pastor
Men's Meeting
Pastor Appreciation
Our tech crew hard at work!
Israel 2019
The HBT choir singing one of our favorite songs
Sis. Becky preparing for our Mother/Daughter tea!
Israel 2019
Adventures Through the Bible
Youth night!
Some fine young men preparing a special dinner for Mother's day!
Men's Meeting
Heading to Louisiana Camp!
Bro. Barry in Tanzania
Adventures Through the Bible
Bro. Barry became a US citizen this year! Congratulations!
Israel 2019
Believers in Africa receiving Swahili Church age Books printed through Vision Books.
Adventures Through the Bible
None of this would be possible without our Pastor’s vision for this assembly and his desire to see his sheep grow in the Word for our day. Above all that he goes through on a daily basis, he is always there to offer a word in due season. Bro. Barry, as a congregation, we say God bless you for 40 years of service to our Lord. Because you have surrendered to Him, you have in turn affected countless members of His Bride worldwide. We are so grateful to be a part of those you have affected and we are privileged to call you our Pastor. God shapes us all for a specific purpose in this life, and we are so grateful that He shaped you to serve.
"But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand." - Isaiah 64:8
To see a full video of Bro. Barry's Testimony, visit